Collection: Shamanism and Totems

Discover shamanism and totem animals with our unique collection. Drums, maracas and jewelry representing totems such as the wolf, the eagle or the deer help you connect with the spirits of nature. Our smudging kits, including sage and palo santo, purify your space and your energies. Perfect for the initiated and the curious, our tools guide you in your spiritual exploration.

Chamanisme et Totems - L'Arcane Céleste

Explore the universe ofshamanism and totemsto strengthen yourspiritual connectionand discover youranimal totem, guide and protector. Dive into theancestral spiritualitythroughshamanic ritualsusingshamanic drumsand sacred symbols. These practices help to awaken thetotem energiesand to receive guidance fromspiritual guides. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, this collection offers everything you need to deepen yourshamanic practiceand harmonize your energies with those of nature and protective spirits.