La Kyanite : Découvrez ses propriétés et bienfaits en lithothérapie

Kyanite: Discover its properties and benefits in lithotherapy

Geographical origin of Kyanite

Kyanite is a semi-precious stone found primarily in Europe and North America. It gets its name from the Greek word "kyanos" meaning "blue", due to its most common color. However, Kyanite can also be colorless, green, orange, or black.

Colors of Kyanite

Kyanite is distinguished by its variety of colors. Blue remains the dominant color, but green, orange, black or colorless Kyanite is also found. Each color corresponds to a specific type of energy in lithotherapy.

Mineral and esoteric properties of Kyanite

On the mineral level, Kyanite is known for its variable hardness, a rather unique characteristic. In lithotherapy, Kyanite is known to be a stone of anchoring, serenity and communication. It helps to soothe fears and reduce stress.

Legends associated with Kyanite

Kyanite is full of legends and mysteries. Some consider it the stone of intuition and clairvoyance. Others believe that it promotes astral travel and can even aid in reincarnation.

Symbolism of Kyanite

Symbolically, Kyanite represents tranquility of mind and honest communication. It is often used in meditation to promote harmony and inner peace. Additionally, it is associated with the throat chakra, making it a stone of truth and expression.

Modern Lithotherapy and Kyanite

In modern lithotherapy, Kyanite is used to harmonize the body's energy and soothe the mind. It is also used to promote communication and help manage stress. Whether you are an experienced practitioner or a beginner in lithotherapy, Kyanite is a gemstone to discover.

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