Le Jaspe en Lithothérapie : Propriétés, Légendes et Symboliques

Jasper in Lithotherapy: Properties, Legends and Symbolism

Geographical Origins of Jasper

Jasper is a gemstone found in many parts of the world. It is particularly abundant in India, Australia, Brazil, Egypt, and the United States. Jasper is a form of quartz, which gives it great hardness and remarkable strength.

Colors of Jasper

Jasper is a stone that stands out for its incredibly varied color palette. It is found in red, green, yellow, brown and even black. Each color has its own vibrational and energetic properties in lithotherapy.

Mineral and Esoteric Properties of Jasper

Jasper is known for its protective properties. It is used in lithotherapy to strengthen the aura and repel negative energies. It is also known to stimulate endurance and perseverance, making it a stone of choice for athletes and people with long-term goals.

Legends Associated with Jasper

Many legends surround Jasper. In ancient times, it was considered a stone of protection par excellence, capable of repelling curses and evil spirits. It is also said that it promotes communication with the spiritual world and facilitates astral travel.

Symbolism of Jasper

Jasper symbolizes strength and vitality. It is often associated with the earth because of its ability to ground energies and promote stability. It is also linked to passion and creativity, making it a popular stone for artists and those seeking inspiration.

Modern Lithotherapy and Jasper

Today, Jasper continues to be used in lithotherapy for its many virtues. It is notably used to strengthen the immune system, promote digestion and soothe sleep disorders. It is also a valuable ally for those who wish to develop their intuition and spiritual sensitivity.

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