Œil de Taureau : le Minéral Protecteur aux Multiples Facettes

Bull's Eye: The Multifaceted Protective Mineral

Geographical Origin of the Bull's Eye

Bull's Eye, also known as Ocellated Quartz, is a variety of Jasper. This semi-precious stone is mainly found in countries such as Australia, India, Brazil and South Africa.

Bull's Eye Colors

Bull's Eye is distinguished by its vibrant colors, ranging from reddish brown to dark brown, with contrasting bands of color reminiscent of a bull's eye, hence its name.

Mineral and Esoteric Properties of Bull's Eye

In gemology, Bull's Eye is known for its hardness and resilience. On an esoteric level, this stone is associated with energy, endurance and protection. It is particularly appreciated for its ability to repel negative energies and encourage grounding.

Legends Associated with the Bull's Eye

Many legends and traditions surround the Bull's Eye. In some cultures, it is seen as a powerful talisman capable of protecting its wearer from evil spirits. Others consider it a stone of courage and strength.

Symbolism of the Bull's Eye

Bull's Eye symbolizes strength, perseverance and protection. Its brown color is often associated with earth, rooting and stability.

The Bull's Eye in Modern Lithotherapy

In modern lithotherapy, Bull's Eye is used to balance the body's energy and to promote emotional harmony. It is often recommended for people looking to build self-confidence and overcome fears.

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