Quartz fumé : propriétés minérales et vertus en lithothérapie

Smoky quartz: mineral properties and virtues in lithotherapy

Geographical origin

Smoky Quartz is a variety of Quartz found mainly in the Alps, Brazil and Australia. It owes its coloring to natural radiations, a particularity that gives each stone a unique hue.


Smoky Quartz comes in several shades, ranging from light brown to intense black. This chromatic richness is due to the presence of specific minerals, which give each stone a particular aura and energy.

Mineral and esotheric properties

In gemology, Smoky Quartz is renowned for its hardness and resistance. On an esoteric level, it is considered a powerful stone of protection, capable of repelling negative energies and promoting serenity.

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Many legends surround Smoky Quartz. Some ancient peoples considered it a sacred stone, capable of communicating with spirits. Others linked it to the earth and used it in rituals to promote fertility.


Smoky Quartz symbolizes stability and grounding. It is often used in lithotherapy to help with decision-making and to promote concentration and meditation.

Modern Lithotherapy

Today, Smoky Quartz is used in lithotherapy for its protective and purifying properties. It helps with relaxation and letting go, and promotes emotional balance. It is particularly recommended for stressed or anxious people.
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