Quartz: Discovery of its Properties, Symbolism and Use in Lithotherapy
Geographical origins of quartz
Quartz is an abundant mineral on our planet, present in almost all regions of the world. It forms from magma and is also found in metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. Its worldwide distribution makes it an accessible and widely used stone.
Quartz Colors
Quartz comes in a variety of colors, ranging from clear to black to pink, purple, yellow, and green. Each color has its own properties and symbolism, offering a wide range of options for lithotherapy practitioners.
Mineral and esoteric properties of quartz
Mineralogically, quartz is known for its hardness and resistance to extreme temperatures. Esoterically, it is considered a stone of mental clarity, energy, and healing. It is commonly used for energy amplification and intention programming.
Legends associated with quartz
Many cultures have woven legends around quartz. The ancient Romans believed that this stone was ice water that would never melt, while in some Native American cultures, quartz was used to communicate with spirits.
Symbolism of quartz
Quartz symbolism is as diverse as its colors. It is commonly associated with clarity of mind, energy amplification, and healing. Each color of quartz brings its own symbolism, with rose quartz being associated with love and compassion, while smoky quartz is linked to transformation and liberation.
Quartz in modern lithotherapy
Today, quartz is an essential tool in lithotherapy, used for its ability to amplify, store, transform and rebalance energies. It is used in energy healing, meditation, reiki and many other holistic practices.