La Turquoise en lithothérapie : Un voyage entre géologie, gemmologie et spiritualité

Turquoise in lithotherapy: A journey between geology, gemology and spirituality

Geographical origin of Turquoise

Turquoise is a gemstone with the most prolific deposits in the United States, Iran, and Egypt. Its name, meaning "Turkish stone," comes from the ancient trade route that brought the stone from Persia to Europe via Turkey.

Colors of Turquoise

Turquoise typically comes in shades of blue to blue-green, sometimes with brown or black veins. The more copper the stone contains, the more blue its color tends to be.

Mineral and esoteric properties of Turquoise

Minerally speaking, Turquoise is a hydrated phosphate of aluminum and copper. In lithotherapy, it is known for its purifying, soothing and protective properties. It would promote emotional and spiritual balance.

Legends associated with Turquoise

Turquoise is at the heart of many legends. For Native Americans, it is said to be a piece of sky that fell to earth. In the East, it is considered a talisman against the evil eye.

Symbolism of Turquoise

Turquoise symbolizes wisdom, nobility and immortality. In lithotherapy, it is associated with the throat chakra, promoting communication and personal expression.

Turquoise in modern lithotherapy

In modern lithotherapy, Turquoise is used to promote emotional balance, relieve stress and protect against negative energies. It is also known to promote creativity and intuition.
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